I've been thinking about what I want my next series of paintings to look like. Lately, I've been working with fabric more than usual. Now I'm thinking why not try something new? I saw some of my old paintings at my cousin's house, and that's when it hit me: why not go back and try some of the techniques I tried when I was in undergrad? My paintings had so much meaning back then. They were much more colorful and abstract. I want to experiment and make a body of work that is out of my norm. Also, I would like to go to larger scale. Most of my work has been small, but I feel it's time for me to go big!
I want to make some new paintings because I would like to build my body of work for grad school. I finally decided that it's time for me to go back to school. I'm not going to apply right away because I want to make some new work for my application. Maybe by next year I will be ready to start applying. I guess it's time for me to hit the studio. I'm glad the weather is going to change because that means the studio will be nice and fresh!
This is some of my new work. The medium is all fabric.
i want to see you get down on some paintings, emer lou! they're so inspiring and cheerful, yet dark at the same time. i'm gonna make sure you get to work!