Thursday, August 18, 2011

DIY Di: Mason Lights

Let's DIY your mind!

This DIY world has been invading my life after being introduced to it by some of my favorite fellow bloggers. Example: Centsational Girl. Through her site, I was finally able to awaken this little creative monster that has been suppressed for years due to work and school. 

BUT… now is the time to welcome out DIY DI!!! (Cheesy, I know… just go with it.)

I am truly enjoying every moment and learning so much about myself along the way. Now I am here, eager to hopefully give someone else that ignition to his or her own creativity! Here is a little something I worked on recently…

Mason Lights!
Metal Cutting Scissors
Ikea Hemma cord set
Light bulbs
Zip ties
Mason jars

Drill a hole in the center of your jar lid.

Cut the correct size hole from your jar lid to fit the light set (of course measure it out prior to cutting).

Place your light set in the lid and secure it.

Screw in the light bulb.

Place on your mason jar.
Finally, zip-tie all your cords together and hang over any wall of your choice.


Never thought creating something would ever bring me so much excitement and joy!
Look at my baby shine!


  1. holy shit, that's uber neat

  2. This is super cool, di!! I love the moniker too!

  3. wow! that's freakin' cute! :D

    DIY DI..haha, you're silly

  4. Me gusta! I love that you have more time for crafting now! You're really good at it!! :D

  5. You are going to decorate my house...when I get one!

  6. thanks guys for all the lovely comments. they are all so inspiring!!! cant wait for the next installment ;)

    nay nay: dont hate on DIY DI! lol
